Tuesday 4 February 2014

40 Book Challenge

Hello Name is Angus. I'm in Room 11. My entire class is is doing 40 Book Challenge. I'm reading a book called The Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian. 

Its also week one at school and we have got our new chrome books. I'm looking forward to learning.


  1. Hey Angus - wahoo - a book challenge of 40 books, is this right?? Miss Panther loved books when she was your age, actually she still does, so if you are like her, 40 books would not be too hard of a challenge.

    I am not up with it all really - what are "chrome books"?

    Look forward to following you on your class blog.

    1. Hi Anna
      A chrome book is a small silver Samsung computer like a laptop

  2. Hi Angus
    I can see that you really like lego
    nice posts
    see in the classroom from Lillie


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