Monday 1 September 2014

Machine Writing

My Machine
Walt: Use capitals correct
Walt: Describe Two characters
Walt: Use the correct tense
Walp, walp, walp, the white electricity weaves its way through the machine. “slide to open” I read confused. I slide the pearl white door open and slowly step in worried about what's going to happen next. I click shiny dark button to let Jimmy into the machine. He pressed a button wham!!

We disappeared into the past suddenly we Re-appeared in the dinosaurs time I went to the wrong time to talk to people “I wanted 1907 stupid machine to interview Robert Baden-Powell” I screamed at the machine. ( If you don’t no Robert Baden-Powell He is the creator of scouts) “damm machine and has to have a cool down time of one day” I yelled  at Jimmy. Suddenly Roar!! A Spinosaurus makes the tree shiver “Wait this place isn't 65 Million years ago we are in jurassic park” I said scared “We need to escape this part of the island

” Then we hear a plane landing quickly we pack the machine up and put it in our bag and race for the plane we warn everybody to get on the plane and leave the island for good but then when we start moving the creature raced out and snaps up cooper “OH MY GOD” screams Gnash. The plane dives up. A Red liquid runs along the side of the plane But we manage to get to the skies we circle slowly around the the island look for Amanda and Pauls son but then something hits the roof .A beak slices its way into the engine then our plane starts spinning and we hit the ground but i had left the plane so i could go to the correct time. wait this wasn't the present it was when Robert Baden-powell then we start broadcasting through time. “hello everybody and today we are interviewing  Robert Baden-powell so how was it like in war” i questioned him Well it was good’ he said puffed .

Half an hour later later.” well thats our interview with Robert Baden-powell so will outro the episode here, GOOD BYE

The End


  1. Phew, I was certainly kept in suspense and excited as well reading this story. I have the feeling that Baden-Powell was Knighted? (Sir) Excellent Angus

  2. Great story. Do you think some more punctuation would help it make more sense? How do you think you did with the WALTs?


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.